Grant Gover

Church on The Island

GG: ‘Learned Reaper and used a variety of tools and FX both in tracks and items. The aim was to almost show the yin and yang with distortions and exaggerated effects then letting the beautiful piano do its own thing, whilst keeping the overall feel which I feel has an emotional content. A reference was made to techno, deejay and a short reference to jazz which I feel created contrast. I cut down the end to 4:30 (wanted to do 4:33 as an in reference to John Cage but it would have led on I think too far for this piece)which came out as a final rendered WAV file as 4:28. A fair bit of experimentation went into this and I evolved several rules as I went along. The first rule was to try something and adjust a bit but not mess with it, to keep things fresh and interesting, also to move along the timeframe of the project! Some of the FX I used were EQ, spectralisers, reverb, echo, compression and alterations of items via custom made action commands in Reaper.’